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How To Write A Press Release Statement?

How to Write a Press Release? [The Guide + Expert Comments]

Recently updated on April 24th, 2024

The press release is a written statement that announces the launch of a new product, business, or event. It can be an effective tool to get your company in front of potential customers and investors. A press release needs to include information about what you’re announcing and how it will benefit your audience. For example: “XYZ Company has released their newest product, ABC.”

It should also answer who the company is and what they do for people who may not know them yet. Finally, it should include contact information so readers can find out more about the product or service being announced. Press releases are often sent to local newspapers as well as online news outlets like blogs and websites that cover topics related to yours.

1. What Is A Press Release Statement And Why Do I Need One?

A press release is a written statement that announces the launch of a new product, business, or event. It can be an effective tool to get your company in front of potential customers and investors. A press release needs to include information about what you’re announcing and how it will benefit your audience.

For example: “XYZ Company has released their newest product, ABC.” It should also answer who the company is and what they do for people who may not know them yet. Finally, it should include contact information so readers can find out more about the product or service being announced. Press releases are often sent to local newspapers as well as online news outlets like blogs and websites that cover topics related to yours.

Why do you need one? A press release is a written statement that announces the launch of a new product, business, or event. It can be an effective tool to get your company in front of potential customers and investors.

A press release needs to include information about what you’re announcing and how it will benefit your audience. It should also answer who the company is and what they do for people who may not know them yet. Finally, it should include contact information so readers can find out more about the product or service being announced.

2. Why You Should Use A Press Release Statement?

  • It is a good way to get exposure.
  • You can share your release across all social media platforms.
  • By using press releases, you are in control of the content that gets shared about your business or brand. Press releases make it easier for journalists and bloggers to write news stories on what’s happening with your company, rather than making a phone call or emailing you.
  • You can learn from press releases that have been done well in the past and what didn’t work out as planned – this helps your company to grow. Press release statements are also an effective way of working with SEO (search engine optimization). Google usually ranks press-released content higher in search results because they know the content is more relevant to what people are looking for.
  • It’s a great way of getting your company news out there and it can be used as a powerful marketing tool.

3. How To Write A Press Release Statement?

The press release statement should include:

  • The name of the company. This needs to be large and bold so that it stands out when editors are looking through their inboxes for new content. Try not to overdo this, otherwise, they may feel like you’re trying too hard to get noticed. For example, “XYZ News” is fine.
  •  The name of the person who wrote it and their role within the company (e.g., CEO, junior PR). Again, don’t go overboard with this as editors will see you as desperate for attention! At most, just include your first initial and surname alongside a job title such as “PR Executive.”
  • A brief intro about yourself and the company. This should be no more than a sentence long to catch an editor’s eye. For example, “XYZ News is a new online news source that covers all things tech.”
  • The main goal of your press release statement needs to come next – what you want the public or media to take from it.
  • If you have any key points to include, then they can be added afterward in bullet point form for a short and snappy press release statement. For example, “XYZ News is a new online news source that covers all things tech. “Our goal is to provide 100% positive stories about the company so we can grow our brand. “Our mission is to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information on all things tech in order to educate people about new products/services they may not know about.”
  • At the bottom of your press release statement, include contact details for someone at your company. This could be an email address or phone number.
  • If you want to, include links (e.g., website URL) for readers who wish to find out more about your company and/or news coverage of it.”

4. How To Get In Touch With You If They Have Questions Or Want To Know More

This is a crucial part of any press release. If you have included all the information they need in your statement, then this shouldn’t be too hard to include. Mention how you can be reached and what kind of communication works best for you (email, phone number, etc.). Make sure that it is easy to find on your website.

An example of how to end a press release is:

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 986-724-3890 or support@upstagemedia.co for more information! We look forward to hearing from you soon.

This shows that there are no hard feelings if they want to ask more questions and gives them a way to get in touch. You can also mention your social media accounts if you want to make it even easier for them.

In Conclusion

If you’re looking for help with writing a press release statement, we can connect you to our team of experts. We know that crafting the perfect words and phrases is not an easy task—especially when it comes to doing so in just one or two sentences.

Our company offers services such as strategic PR planning, content development, media relations management, influencer marketing campaigns, and more! Contact us today if you want assistance with your next press release announcement.

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