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Recently updated on November 10th, 2023
This is the age of startup. Startups are everywhere – from technology spheres to apparel to home décor and furniture – simply every domain blending in the expansive e-commerce platform.
Getting recognition for your startup could be a tough nut to crack when you are in a competitive environment, but achievable with a standard set of strategies.
When your marketing strategies center on the cohesiveness of both branding and creating quality content, you can be more confident about establishing your startup.
Here is a small discussion on why your startup business needs to get branding and content right.
Branding does not merely mean a logo
Branding is basically a marketing ploy to pull more customers onto your platform and convert them successfully. Many startup owners hurriedly focus on designing the logo, choosing colors placing it in a specific position, etc.
But, the more important aspect is to amalgamate the brand logo and its message with the essence of the business. Here, the image of the logo is the visual content. It should perfectly match the core mission and values of your startup with an aesthetic touch.
Wait a second! What about brand voice?
Before you are keen on designing the logo, set the brand voice correctly, in order to remain clear on your business goals. It is the identity of the brand that conveys a coherent message of quality and integrity to your target audience. The distinct voice makes it easier for the customers to connect to your startup.
Factors playing a major role in carving a brand identity
When you are strategizing to build an exclusive brand identity, there are some crucial factors to reckon with.
You have to determine the objectives for which your startup operates and serves. Also, the values of the business should be strong and organized. Moreover, you should be very clear about how your startup business is going to contribute to the community, making a difference.
Don’t straightway jump into content creation
It would be a gross mistake to create content before you know your target audience. A study and analysis of the target market is hugely important for creating content and amalgamating it with your branding strategies.
Identifying the target audience of startup business
For setting branding and content right, it is mandatory to have clear ideas regarding the target audience. You should get all relevant demographic information, such as age range, income, gender, location, etc.
The next set of details that you should know is about their habits or characteristics. Their interests, what are the pages they follow on social media, how they love to spend additional income, etc.
Creating a sense of belonging
When the branding and content are rightly implemented/placed, the customers feel a sense of belonging to your company. They become more comfortable in bridging their aspirations with the promises of your brand. This is indeed a huge step forward in establishing your brand through more recognition across different digital platforms.
Determining the brand aesthetics of your startup
At later stage of branding comes the task of ascertaining the brand aesthetic and implementing necessary strategies. From colors to font sizes and styles, there are many factors that should be considered.
You could aim for a playful display or you could go for a more minimalistic approach. Depending on the domain of your business, you could also opt for a more adventurous tone while implementing the brand aesthetic.
This is an important aspect if you want to creatively woo your customers on social media platforms, applying a range of marketing strategies.
Building credibility through content
Content is a powerful tool to build credibility in the industry. As a startup, your business is presumably new in the industry. Hence, you have to put that additional effort into convincing your target customers/clients. Use content in a way to showcases the unique expertise and high-end capabilities of your business. Make the content to the point yet intriguing.
Branding and building content – a symbiotic relationship
The interesting dynamics about branding and building content for the same startup business is centered on symbiosis – branding helps the content to become more relevant, and likewise, relevant content makes branding stronger.
Creating a well-defined buyer’s journey
Crisp and smart content plays an instrumental role in guiding the buyer/client through the sales funnel, and finally converting the lead. When your content provides value, it invariably increases the total sales for your business. Creating an enjoyable buyer’s journey is one of the most important objectives of your business content.
Evolving your branding with fresher content
Most entrepreneurs seem to neglect this fact – fresher, updated content strengthens branding and reduces the bounce rate from your website. You have to constantly inject more original, value-added content in your website, in order to achieve a robust brand presence.
This is an excellent way to keep the target customers glued to your site and get more involved.
Improving SEO
This point had to arrive at some stage of this blog. When the branding and content amalgamate properly, the standard of SEO of your website shoots up. It significantly helps in improving the platform’s performance in organic searches.
Your website gets a high rank in SERPs. It successfully and consistently pulls more traffic from a wide range of online resources.
Start applying the fundamentals
If you own a startup, it is time to gear up and set things right for your branding and content marketing strategies.