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How bloggers can use PR tactics to get featured in the media

How can bloggers use PR and media relations

Recently updated on April 24th, 2024

In this blog post, we will discuss PR tactics that bloggers can use to get featured in the news and media publications. PR is a term for Public Relations which is all about how you can best communicate your message with the public. PR strategies are used by many different types of companies but they are especially important for bloggers because not only do they need to grow their audience, but they also need to be able to reach a wide range of people.

1. Be Accessible To The Media – Make Sure Your Blog Is Updated Regularly And Has A Professional Appearance.

This is so that when a journalist or PR person comes across your blog, they feel like you would be reliable and easy to work with.

Make sure you have an About page on your blog that includes contact information – this way journalists can easily get in touch about potential opportunities for their publication/channel. PR people who are interested in featuring you will reach out to you, but if they can’t find any contact information on your blog it’s not likely that there is much of a chance.

Having an email or social media account like LinkedIn available for them allows PRs to easily get hold of you! Keep all avenues open and accessible to PRs. PR agencies are looking for bloggers who have an active following, so it’s important to keep your blog updated regularly. Bloggers should try writing a new blog post at least twice a week – this will attract more PR people and journalists to you!

PR people and journalists will be more attracted to writing about you if they feel that there is a reliable opportunity for the blog post to be published.

2. Send Pitches With Relevant Angles To Your Target Outlets

Bloggers can use PR tactics to get featured in the news & media publications. Here are a few things you should keep in mind when trying to contact PR representatives at different outlets:

Find out who covers your industry and take note of their names, emails, etc. This way you’ll have an easier time pitching them.

If you have a PR representative, ask them who to pitch to and at what time.

Keep in mind that PR reps get hundreds of pitches every day, especially during the weekdays so make sure your pitch is short but also enticing enough for someone to take another look.

Include links/attachments with your pitch like previous articles you’ve written or information about your PR company/client.

Some PR reps might reply with a simple “okay” or “I’ll take a look at it.” If you don’t hear back from them within the week, send another follow-up email reminding them that they got your original pitch and to see if there’s anything you can do for their PR needs.

PR reps are usually very busy people so don’t be offended if they ignore you or tell you that your pitch is not for them. You can always try different outlets with the same PR tactic to see which ones work best for your industry.

3. Create Content That Will Get People Talking On Social Media (I.E., Controversial Topics)

PR is all about getting people talking on social media, so bloggers can write controversial content to keep their audience’s attention.

Bloggers should focus on creating content that will spark a discussion or debate about an issue in order to get people riled up and talking on social media platforms. PR tactics like these can really help bloggers gain a lot of PR in a short amount of time.

PR is all about getting the word out there, so bloggers should take advantage of PR opportunities any time they can.

4. Engage In Conversations With Journalists On Twitter, Facebook, Or Other Platforms For Potential Opportunities.

PR strategies are more effective when you have some understanding of what PR professionals do. PR pros use tools like HARO, Email alerts for journalists’ beats, and Google Alerts to find potential opportunities with reporters who cover your industry or niche.

You can also do PR yourself by engaging in conversations with journalists on Twitter, Facebook, or other platforms.

See if they’d be interested in your PR stunt or event, and offer to send them the details.

PR professionals call this PR outreach.

The PR stunt can be anything from hosting an evening to raise money for a local charity, or simply trying out the latest food truck in town and blogging about it on your personal blog. Just make sure you’re not pitching business ideas or products because that could backfire! Only pitch yourself as a person.

PR professionals call this PR pitching.

PR pros also use tools like HARO, Email alerts for journalists’ beats, and Google Alerts to find potential opportunities with reporters who cover your industry or niche. If you can get a journalist from one of those outlets interested in your PR stunt (and see it as newsworthy), then you’re ready for PR!

Bloggers should try to make themselves interesting people and offer something different from other bloggers in their niche. People love reading about things that are happening around them, so keep a lookout for PR opportunities going on around you or near your target audience’s location. You can also pitch PR ideas to big brands in your industry.

5. Respond Quickly When Contacted By The Media – Don’t Wait Days Before Following Up!

Responding quickly to PR requests sets you apart from other bloggers and shows the media that you are serious about your blog. You should always respond within 24 hours of receiving a PR request, even if it is just to let them know that you received their email. If they’re looking for specific information (for example product photos), letting them know when they can expect to receive it will ensure they don’t forget about you.

In Conclusion

We hope you’ve found the tips in this blog post helpful. If you want to learn more about how PR can work for your business, feel free to contact our team at Upstage Media and we will be happy to help!

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