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A Ultimate Guide to How Long Should a Press Release Be

The Right Press Release Length to Get Your Story Picked Up

Recently updated on May 24th, 2023

A press release is a written announcement of news that usually accompanies the publicizing of a company’s new products or services. It can also be used to announce an event, such as a corporate takeover bid. Press releases are often distributed via email and on websites, but they may also show up in newspapers and magazines. A typical press release lasts about two pages long with four paragraphs per page.

1. The Importance Of A Press Release

Press releases are an important part of a company’s marketing and communication strategy.

They help to build awareness for a company’s products and services, and can generate media coverage.

A well-written press release can also improve a company’s credibility and reputation.

They also provide a way for companies to communicate with their customers and keep them up-to-date on the latest news.

2. What Is A Press Release And How To Write One

A press release is an official statement issued to the media by a company, organization or individual. It is essentially a news story written in a specific format and released to reporters to help them create articles about the topic at hand.

Press releases are also used for other purposes such as announcing new products or services, sharing company updates or simply creating awareness.

An effective press release is a perfect blend of information and entertainment. The content should be enough to inform the readers about a topic without boring them. It must also have an impact on those who will read it.

There are different types of press releases depending on what you want to achieve from your target audience, but they all follow certain standard rules.

3. How Long Should A Press Release Be?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the length of a press release will vary depending on the type of announcement it contains. However, in general, a good rule of thumb is to keep your press release between 300 and 500 words.

That being said, there are some exceptions: if your press release contains a lot of technical information, or if it’s being sent to a trade publication rather than a general news outlet, it may be longer. On the other hand, if your announcement is very brief, you may not need more than 100-200 words.

When deciding how long your press release should be, focus on including only the most important information. You can always provide more details in a separate document or on your website.

If you’re not sure whether your press release is too long or too short, ask a friend or colleague to read it over and give you their opinion. They may be able to help you tighten up your writing and make sure your key points are covered.

4. Common Mistakes People Make When Writing Their First Draft Of The Press Release

  • Focusing too much on their own company and not enough on what the press release is actually about
  • Writing a novel instead of getting to the point
  • Including irrelevant information or facts
  • Not proofreading their work before submitting it
  • Sending out a press release that is full of spelling and grammar mistakes

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can make sure that your press release is well-written and error-free. And by following these tips, you’ll be on your way to creating a successful press release that will help get your company the attention it deserves.

If you’re still not sure how long your press release should be or what it should include, contact us for help. We’re happy to provide guidance and advice on creating a press release that will get you the results you need.

5. Things to consider before publishing an article to your website or blog post

  • Length of the article – Is it too long or too short?
  • The tone of the article – Does it come across as genuine and authentic?
  • Are you providing valuable content to your readers?
  • Have you proofread your work for grammar mistakes and typos?

These are all important factors to consider before hitting the publish button. If you’re not happy with how your article looks or sounds, keep editing until you are satisfied.

6. Tips For Getting Your Story In Front Of The Right Journalists And Editors

However, the most effective way to get coverage is to have a great story.

Write about how important it is to have engaging newsworthy content for your press release. Talk about what are some examples of things that may help you attract journalists and editors’ attention in their stories.

For example, if you’re releasing an app that’s designed to let you know if your Uber is arriving soon, it would be great to have some data showing how much time people are wasting waiting for their Ubers. Or maybe there’s a new trend among young companies in the area of giving employees unlimited vacation days?

Write about some things that can make your story uninteresting. There are many things that you should avoid when writing your press release content if you want to grab attention, such as focusing on company milestones or features instead of the story itself, using too much jargon, discussing negative aspects of your industry, or simply being boring.

In Conclusion

To end, we will summarize the key takeaways from our guide to how long a press release should be. We hope you have found it informative and helpful in figuring out what length is best for your particular company or organization. If not, please contact us at Upstage Media so that one of our team members can help get you started with an amazing marketing plan today!


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