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PR for Startups: 10 Effective Press Release tips for startups

PR for Startups: The 10 Step Process I Use to Get Press

Recently updated on November 10th, 2023

Do you own a startup and naturally eager to gain quick recognition in the business world? In order to attract the attention of investors and target customers, it is vital to prepare sleek, to-the-point, crisp Press Releases. You should be aware of some genuinely effective tips that would help you to boost your startup business and gain more credibility in a competitive market.

Tip 1: Building a strong strategic context

The service or product that you are aiming to pitch must have robust strategic contexts that are relevant and timely. Such relevant contexts make the piece more newsworthy.

Tip 2: Work on story ideas, and not on Press Releases

This might confuse you a bit – after all, it is the Press Release you are trying to build, right…? WRONG! You are trying to create an intriguing story around your product that would be able to further develop a buzz around it.

Focusing plainly on conventional press releases would get you nowhere. You need to think of engaging stories that journalists would worthy of publishing, attracting several readers to your startup platform via top-quality backlinks.

Tip 3: Piggyback on effective timely news

This could be a really interesting ploy to gain importance for your startup. The news are either breaking, or seasonal, follows a trend or reflects personal interest. You need to be calculative in creating a good piece of news to pitch the journalists for featuring your start-up on top news sites.

Tip 4: Personalize + localize massively

The journalists usually take interest in Press Releases that impact their target audience in exclusively personalized ways. So, it is your responsibility to build a Press Release that has heavy elements of personalization. Also, keep in mind to localize the piece to focus on the local market.

Tip 5: Try to be a thought leader by thinking smaller

You have to narrow down on what you stress upon with your Press Release. Speaking too broadly might affect your pitch and focus. The target audience would not be impressed if you concentration is not on a particular topic / business sector/ service.

Tip 6: Do you calculations for media response

You should take a quantitative approach to assess and judge the quality, efficiency, and extent of the media response to your press releases. This is only possible through extensive experience in pitching to the journalists and media executives.

Tip 7: Optimize your pitch

You need to optimize and heavily pivot the pitch you make to media houses and individual journalists. Calculating conversion rate in this case is extremely important – for example, figure out how many emails per 100 emails get positive response in specific time bracket.

Tip 8: Perfectly time the delivery

You have to assess the times at which the reporters more likely respond you. Moreover, it is crucial to be aware of the deadlines you need to maintain. Use the data strategically to set policies to pitch for the press releases in near future.

Tip 9: You have to embed simple traction procedures

An analytical approach is pretty useful to accelerate the intensity at which your startup gets recognition. For example, keep a tab on the number of website visitors. Also, get info on newsletter signups. Focus on the number of app installs, etc.

Tip 10: Exploit media momentum for growing your market

You have to syndicate the positive media exposure that you receive. Ensure sharing media hits and links on your blogs, social media platforms, newsletters and email campaigns, regularly.

Mix these tips and apply in a balanced manner

Try and test all the tips mentioned above, and enrich your expertise gradually.


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