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How To Write Press Release That Gets Results

How to Write a Press Release That Gets Results (2021)

Recently updated on November 23rd, 2023

Press Releases are a great way to get your story out there. Press releases can be used for announcing an event, introducing new products and services, or raising awareness of a cause. Press releases also help you build relationships with the media and community members. But how do you write a Press Release that gets results? This blog post will give you some tips on what to keep in mind before writing Press Releases and tools that can make it easier!

1. Find Your Angle

The first step of Press Release writing is to find your angle. What makes you and/or your news unique? If there are other people or organizations doing something similar, how can you do it better? Or what’s the latest update on a topic that has been covered before?

Don’t forget that Press Releases should be about news – don’t focus on features of your products or services. A good Press Release will have a strong hook, so consider how you can make it stand out from the crowd and what people want to read! Another great way is to answer one question: What’s new?

Once you’ve got your angle, you need to make sure it’s newsworthy. Press Releases are for sharing information about things that will be interesting or useful to the media and their readership – so make sure it applies! For example, if you’re launching a business in another city/country/state, not many people will care unless they have some reason to visit there.

Timely Press Releases are good Press Releases, so think about what might be newsworthy at some point in the future and pre-empt it!

2. Write A Compelling Headline

Your Press Release should have a compelling headline that will catch the attention of your target audience. To write an effective Press release, you need to know your target market and what they want in order to make them take action on this specific Press Release.

You can do some research about different types of headlines for press releases and test each one before deciding which one you want to use. Press Release headline analyzer tool can help with this process and give feedback on how good your press release title is at the same time.

3. Create An Opening That Grabs The Reader’s Attention

Press Releases are written for a wide variety of audiences, and therefore the first paragraph is crucial. Press releases should be interesting enough to make someone want to read more. Potential readers will likely not continue if your opening fails at engaging them.

When writing an opening sentence avoid using quotes or industry jargon unless you’re certain that all of your audience uses them regularly. If you begin with a quote it may be difficult for readers to identify or relate to the person who said it, and industry jargon can sometimes come off as pretentious.

If you’re struggling to find something interesting to start your Press Release with, try opening it with a stat or statistic. Just make sure that the statistic is relevant and relatable enough for readers to connect with what you are saying immediately.

An attention-grabbing opening is a key to writing Press Releases that get results.

4. Include Relevant Statistics And Facts To Back Up Your Claims

Press releases are different from blog posts because they don’t include many opinions, instead of writing your own opinions you should back up claims with statistics and facts. Press releases are all about convincing the reader that your product/service is great and you should give as many facts as possible to prove it.

If you are writing Press Releases for your business or company, you should mention the most relevant statistics in order to convince readers. If they find them interesting it will be easier for them to share and promote your Press Release with their friends/readers because of how convincing these facts sound. This is why using amazing tools like OptinMonster can help you a lot because it allows you to create forms that include facts and statistics, people will be more likely to sign up if they find them interesting.

5. Keep It Short And Sweet – No More Than 1 Page Of Content Is Necessary For Most Press Releases.

Press releases that are more than one page long will not get read. Moreover, you should always include a short summary of the release at the top so it’s easy to scan and the media can quickly see what your story is about.

The Press Release should be written in a way that promotes what you’re trying to promote and does not include heavy industry jargon. Keep your Press Releases simple, clear, and easy for the media to digest. They won’t bother with content they can’t understand so keep things as straightforward as possible. No one wants or needs an overly long Press Release. Press releases should be short and concise with straight-to-the-point information.


The key to a successful press release is the headline. It should be eye-catching and compelling, but also accurate. You’ll want to include specific details that are interesting for reporters or journalists who may read your article in order to make it more likely they will write about you rather than someone else with a less catchy title. If this sounds like something you would like help with, we can do all of this and more!

Upstage Media has been helping companies get their message out there for over 3 years by crafting story angles that bring attention from media outlets as well as customers alike. Our team is ready and waiting to work with you on your next project—whether it’s selling products online, or getting noticed at an event.

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